Tuesday, October 8, 2024
07:17:02 PM
Fairview Council #4044
1599 Memorial Dr Chicopee MA 01020-3932
Ron Grenier - Grand Knight
Council Officers Meeting
Monday, August 5
6:30 pm
Council Picnic
Sunday, August 11
Moose Family Center
Council Meeting
Monday, August 13th
5:45 pm - Dinner
7:00 pm - Meeting
Spaghetti Dinner
Wednesday, August 14th
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Acoustic Live Music
Jay Wawrzynial in the Lounge
Friday, August 23th
6:00 pm
Home Association Meeting
Monday, August 26th
6:30 pm
Council Officers Meeting
Monday, September 9
6:30 pm
Spaghetti Dinner
Wednesday, September 11th
4:30 - 6:30 pm
4th Degree Assembly Meeting
Wednesday, September 11th
7:00 pm
Annual 9/11 Memorial Mass
Wednesday, September 11th
St. Rose de Lima Church - Chicopee
7:00 pm
Council Meeting
Monday, September 16th
5:45 pm - Dinner
7:00 pm - Meeting
Home Association Meeting
Monday, September 23rd
6:30 pm
Tootsie Roll Charity Drive
October 11th - 14th
Annual Craft Fair
Saturday, October 19th
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
My Brother Knights,
I hope this newsletter finds you all are well.
Hopefully you are enjoying the hot summer and you all had a nice 4th of July.
We have several upcoming events in August which include our council picnic on Sunday August 11th at the Moose Family Center.
Registrations must be received by Saturday, August 3rd so we can have proper amount of food and refreshments (see page 5 in the newsletter).
We also have our monthly spaghetti supper on Wednesday August 14th at 4:30 to 6:30 pm.
The Ladies Guild from St. Patrick’s Church in South Hadley will have desserts and have a raffle that night.
I encourage all my Brother Knights to attend our council meeting, which is the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 PM, so you can see all that we do at our council.
We are always looking for volunteers for our Bingos and Spaghetti Suppers.
Vivat Jesus!
Ron Grenier
Grand Knight
Volunteer or the Month for August is Gil Bach.
Gil is at all of our Bingos where he does raffle tickets and is one of our verifiers.
Thank you Gil, for all you do!
Ron Grenier
Grand Knight
Congratulations to Fairview Council for achieving Star Council for the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year! As you may know, there are several requirements to achieve this high honor:
File Service Program Personnel Report and Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity
Earn the McGivney Award for recruiting new members
Earn the Founder’s Award for promoting our Insurance Program
Earn the Columbian Award for supporting the 4 Program Areas: Faith, Family, Community and Life
Ensure all required council leaders have completed Safe Environment Program Training
We have Bingo every Thursday. Actual games run from 6:15 pm until about 10 pm.
We have volunteer opportunities from mid-afternoon through the evening. You can help with set up, the snack bar, selling pull tickets, selling bingo cards, verifying winners, or clean up. You can volunteer once a month or every week. Become a part of the team!
Volunteers receive a 50% discount at the snack bar and two free drinks in our lounge.
You can contact our Grand Knight Ron Grenier for information on volunteering. You can find his number on the last page of this newsletter, or just come by on a Thursday night!
Spaghetti Suppers are on the second Wednesday of the month.
The supper runs from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
We need volunteers for set up, service, and clean up.
Each volunteer receives a meal and two drink tickets.
Just come into the hall and speak to a person in a red K of C shirt who will help you get started.
We will be making the spaghetti sauce on Monday, August 12th at 8 AM in the kitchen.
We also give credit to students who need volunteer hours!